Now that you have a highly functional and beautiful website, let’s keep it that way! YogiPro offers monthly WordPress maintenance and security for $45/month + tax. Each client will also receive a detailed monthly website care report customized for their website(s). These services are highly recommended for the ongoing functionality and security of your website(s). This service ensures that your website remains a viable and up-to-date asset. Still not convinces? See what the experts say. In addition to manually ensuring that the PHP is the latest, we also ensure that the latest version of WordPress is uploaded and running smoothly on your website. Please see the detailed service description below. If any issues arise that require additional attention, the Client will be informed with an estimate to address at the hourly rate of $75/hr. Visit YogiPro Policies.
Monthly Cloud Backups
Incremental, reliable, comes with off-site storage, and capable of running on an hourly cycle. Two previous back-ups are stored at all times.
Uptime Monitor
Get notification when your website goes down, so you could get it back online before anyone else notices. YP receives notification and can respond in a timely manner.
Safe Updates
Safe Updates automatically create a restore point for you, making updating safer than ever. Updates are completely daily.
Sucuri Security Check
Make sure your sites are clean, and if any files become infected you will be able to spot them on time. This includes malware scanning, Web Application Firewall (WAF), Website CDN performance & caching, and professional hack and incident response if needed.
Manage Themes & Plugins
Update all current Themes and Child Themes. Manage plugins; ignore, deactivate, or install an older version over the current one. Ensure all updates are done with a back-up prior to ensure maximum safety.
Vulnerability Updates
Vulnerability checks bring you real time information about what plugins are vulnerable so you can act accordingly.
Tracking the traffic and analytics for your website on a monthly basis, with comparison to the previous month. *Option to integrate Google Analytics upon client request.
SEO Ranking
*Premium Add-on to add SEO ranking tracking with the SEO Package to your website build including keywords, top rank, first page and visibility percentage.